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 Chapter 1. General & Group Process

31/08/2020- Introduction of programs (Maya and Unity) with given tutorials on LinkedINLearning which worked quite well for me with the modeling part but Unity was quite hard since I had to also download different programs that will allow me to program etc. so it definetely took more time than planned.

01/09/2020- Concepting is very familiar to me. (Thats what I thought). At AMFI it takes us up to 4-5 weeks to develop a concept and when I saw that we had one day I was a bit scared to be honest. Especially  coming together with unknown people, getting to know them online and not face to face seemed one the on side exciting as well as a strange to me. Since the people from my group had a really different background it took us some time to get warm but we managed well to develop a concept but that was also mainly the topic we talked about. What I do like about this excercise was the stories people told about their objects in their room and I felt like this warmed everything a bit up.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-18 um

This was the resulting concept which is about a cat dreaming. Our safe space consists of several objects from our rooms, toys, pets, dolls and pillows. 

It was not too clear for us that it should result in a game that’s why we didn’t do a floorpan or a route for the “player“. Nevertheless is it a space where circular movements are possible and several people can enter. Everything is possible, running, flying, walking or crawling. 

I was in charge of the visualization so I could make use of my Photoshop skills and cutting out the different components and joining them. If the time frame wouldn’t have been that tight I am sure I could have achieved a more detailed and more appealing image/space/collage.


This exercise was nice to get started and feel comfortable working in groups which motivated me to get to know more people, socialize and see with who I could imagine working in a group together.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-12 um

02/09/2020- Modeling class. Where we learned how to make a 3D model based on yesterdays concept.

I mainly took my information from a youtube tutorial which showed me that it is a easy way to teach me things because I was developing really fast and got to know the hang of it quite quickly. I think modeling could be one of my main learning goals which i would be very interested diving deeper into.











03/09/2020-Introduction and lesson for VR environments in Unity. Make it interactive.

I mainly worked on the roll a ball game because for me it was quite hard when it came to programming because I never did it or got a proper introduction about the language, the program (I had to download Visual studio where also some complications happened which cost a lot of time)


04/09/2020-Recap of the whole week resulting in a poster. 

We had to present this weeks work which was quite hard in my opinion because there were different groups but ti was still nice to see how everyone was doing and how they developed and what they got interested in.
I was quite proud to be able to achieve my first modeling experience with the room I created as well as my basic understanding of unity since I didn't know these programs before. 

07/09/2020- We found out group which consists of 3 game developers and 3 AMFI people which we thought is a perfect mixture and we are willing to challenge ourselves to work in such a big group.  We were also preparing for the  Q&A for the companies after we decided our priorities.






08/09/2020- Pitch- time for the companies.

We split the companies due to the Q&As we did since we thought
this person is specialized in the company, whereas
we always kept each other updated, discussed the ideas
brainstormed together. I am really happy with my group and
looking forward working with them.





09/09/2020-Continue working on the pitches and upload them before 17:00. I made the Pitch for Reade where I also did some research by calling doctors to ask about the moving ability of the patience and based on this coming up with a circus game that will allow them stepping out of their daily routine as well as training their muscles and strengthen them.

I also had the personal coaching with Kees where we talked a bit and discussed what my interests are in and in what field I want to develop which is mainly modeling in maya as well as creating environments where I could later on showcase my collections, runway shows etc. . We also combined all loose components into the final videos and uploaded them to youtube for the companies. 

10/09/2020- We will get a company
assigned and then start working with them,
get in contact figure out what our way of
working is and what tasks need to be done.
We came up with a hack and plan to decide
the tasks whereas we brainstormed our concept
together since that is the foundation of this
project. The HvA Circular waste management
was really impressed by our idea and we got
happy to have the chance working together
with them since we are also very convinced
and aware of this topic/problem. 

11/09/2020-Team coaching with Lisette. We discussed every team members ambitions what they want to learn and so what task would be useful for their development so everyone is on the same page. With Remco we made an interactive Unity set up by explaining the others in a different room what to do in order to achieve an interaction. It worked very well. 

14/09/2020-Work on the software, hardware and technical challenges for the poster.

I was in charge of the concept description, explaining all the details of our AR, the style and feel of our environment as well as the aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

15/09/2020- A lesson with Remco in the morning, introduction to VR tech, which I probably won't continue with. 
I mainly worked on the posters, design and technical and always keeping in touch with the group, at least twice a day. We would always catch up on discord if someone need help or had questions, we always figured out something together, which gave me a really good feeling working in the team since I know I can relay on them as well as getting supported if there is any need.  

16/09/2020- In the morning we had a lesson with Jurriaan Mulder about the perception with the eyes which I thought was very interesting as well as
a lot of in put for a morning lesson. I think his classes would be way more interactive when there would be a chance to do it physically but I completely understand that it is nothing that can be changed at the moment. Thats is just my perception and feeling written down.

We got a group assignment about Accommodation-convergence and its issues.
Afterwards we met again on discord and merge all parts we did so far and what we need to continue working on.

17/09/2020- We had our first physical meeting with Joep our supervisor for the project with HvA. He was super comforting we talked about the way of working, that we are trying to meet up once a week in his office where he also offered us workspaces. We are on the same page with him since he is giving us a lot of freedom and we agree with his visions for the end result. So it was a very successful meeting. After that we continued putting together the posters since all the information was collected over the week and making finishing touches to be ready tomorrow to hand it in.


18/09/2020 We were very pretty good in timing and could get a lot fo feedback from Ineke when we were showing her our posters. She said our concept could be a bit more broad but that was what we discussed with Joep so we need to find a balance in between and also ask him what he thinks. Other than that she gave us a good feeling and feedback concerning our technical choices which is a AR environment but all the details such as what exact machines will be in the factory etc. we will discuss with Joep to be super clear before we start modeling or exact prototyping etc.






























21/09/2020- Morning start up with Kees, introducing and preparing for the pitches. Then we had a group discussion where we decided how we want to pitch, what are our main points, where is still improvement necessary. Due to my roommates' waiting test results for corona, I won't be able to come to school today but I will be present online and still continue work from home since tomorrow we have the VR Tech presentation I will work on that until the others are at school.

Feedback: Out concept is not broad enough, and the workload we presented is way too less than what is expected from us. I do agree with the fact that only an AR experience is a bit less even though we would make it very detailed, but I still think the clients wish should be considered when he said he wants a finished product in the end. We will work out another strategy, add more gamification, VR experience but also stay true to our main idea since that is why the company chose us for this project.

22/09/2020- We brainstormed again over several ideas that could add onto our idea for the Ciruclar waste management.
As you can see in the screenshot from our google drive brain storm document.





























23/09/2020- In the morning we had Fashion class from Ineke which was mainly familiar to me but the animation part was new ander very interesting, which is why I will probably take this course because the combination of maya and CLO is something very relevant for my learning goals. 


24/09/2020 - We had an Immersive
experience class with Anne Marleen
where she introduced us to several topic of
her course. After that we had a group coaching
ith her and she gave us nice input for our
concept which we renewed based on your
feedback from our 1st pitch. She suggested
a pokémon go kind of experience where we
wouldn't limit our selves on the HvA campus
which is very interesting to continue thinking
about. I kept on modeling for my dream house
which was the assignment for VR assets.
Here some progress shots:


25/09/2020 - Today we Pitched our new concept to Joep, our supervisor for this project. 
It went really well and I feel like we are on the same page concerning our development in this
project as well as a realistic feel for what is possible and what is not. We got a lot of clearance
through this conversation which gives us even more motivation to continue with this project. 



28/09/2020 - We started working on our
hack n plan, dividing the tasks and going more
into detail about our idea. We also found out
that our morning meetings weren't that
productive so we introduced a new method
where we announce a chairmen each meeting
who is guiding the discussion and we have an
agenda with several point that will be talked
about during the meeting. This method worked
really well and we can see that we can work
more efficient. I focussed on the style and
feel of the mood boards of the factory
concerning textures structures because it is an
important starting point to built up on.







29/09/2020 - Based on our mood boards from yesterday we decided to go one step further and look into the details of the machines that will be in our factory. Even though our team is working in many different fields at the same time we always keep each other updated since we meet almost every 4 hours and make a round what everybody is doing, or as we introduced yesterday, going through our agenda. I made some sketches of the machines and tools we want to have for sure such as a claw since it is a fun game element as well.                                    (drying machine)

                                                   (claw to grab the trash)















30/09/2020-  We decided in the morning meeting to make
a journey map through the factory for more clarity and possible
options for an order when experiencing the AR factory.
Since I am part of the Design team of the factory it is important to
figure out the processes and doing research about machines, and
its purposes. We cam e up with several possibilities to experience
the factory, which we will present to Joep and figure out what
suits his vision and where our meeting point in the middle with him is. 














































After that we continued working on our project and prepared our update more the pitch with Joep tomorrow to keep him updated and show him our process.


02/10/2020 We had a meeting with Joep in the morning to discuss this week's progress. We updated him on our visions of the AR factory since that was what we were mostly focussing on. Therefore, we shoed him our mood boards and factory design, the website and about o a possible campaign.
 We got the contacts for the factory visit and some feedback on the look of the website. Joep was very happy with us and our progress since we could show him a much more defined vision and ideas. Even though for him everything was still very theoretical, since things like the mood board  are mostly a guidance for us, not for him, but we thought it might we good to see our inspiration for him.
After that had a group coaching with Lisette to discuss this weeks progress as well. It didn't went that well since our hackNPlan wasn't planned too detailed which was working fine for us but for an outstanding person it seemed confusing and very literal. We were lacking hours/points assigned per task, task descriptions as well as the testing and finishing columns.  For us as a group it didn't seem as a problem but I understand that it is difficult for teachers to interact and help us if we don't show it clearly. This was not our mission and we will keep it more updated and tidy for the next sprint.

05/10/2020 We had out weekly start up where we looked at the work flow of the previous students. I was reading through the project of the old church and I could take a lot of information out of it since they are also using a lot of models where as they focus more on the textures to keep it realistic than i.e. modeling screws or details themselves. For us this is the same case since we are working VR and AR so it would be very time consuming to spend too much time on details. They used mainly Maya and Substance painter which goes hand in hand with my learning goals, so very important to note. 
We also had our group meeting in the morning as everyday where we reflected on our meeting with Lisette and decided to go all in now and start modeling to see some results since we agree with her that everything is quite theoretical for now and not that much hands on. We did a lot of research and models can still be adjusted but we have to start diving deeper and start realizing it to stay on track. 


Updated Hack and Plan from the feedback of Lisette. Erwin added descriptions and timings so it will be more clear for outstanding people to understand our way of working























Danielle and me also worked on the VR interaction environment where sketched out the room from a birds' perspective with all the machines, interactions, gamifications. We will discuss this in the morning meeting with our group to check if we are on the same page.
































For us working on that really clarified a lot because we were in one room really brainstorming together and we got a good result, maybe we have to keep in mind that the main point is upgrading the factory because for now our focus was on an interaction of the user and the factory.


06/10/2020- When presented our VR plan to the group in our morning meeting, I got really confused because it seemed we were talking about different things. I feel like since we added a lot fo new things to our concept due to the presentation feedback of the teachers we went too wild and made too many separate additional things which confuses us now. We will try to keep as many and diverse  ideas and inputs as possible but I think it is a bit distracting at this point. On the other hand I am always striving towards a perfect end result (for this sprint) but I have to keep in mind that we are not delivering the perfect project after the first sprint, rather than a prototype that can always be refined, changed and nothing is fixed. 


07/10/2020- We continued working on our Hack and Plan since we are trying to get as much done before the holiday as possible to refine it after and only change details after that. Robbie also introduced us to the VR research he did and since I picked up the oculus quest from school we will try to set it up and Erwin and Robbie will try to get us in the Git hub they set up so we are able to test it ourselves as well. 



10/10/2020 - Today we mainly researched the different machines more in detail, so we know how their silhouette will be for the block out. We realized that we were not on the same page when we discussed the blockout since for us (AMFI people) it was sketches, shapes and textures but in game development terms this means a maya scene with actual models, very simple but something in 3D. But when we talked more about it we got on the same page by showing each other visuals, describing it more in details and sharing more ideas.

11/10/2020 - Since we all decided to try and finish our task before the holiday I decided to spend my day doing the blockout of the VR factory since that was what I was mostly responsible for. So I created a simple scene in maya and used geometrical shapes to sketch out the basic idea of the VR environment of the factory after experiencing the AR first.




































15/10/2020                       LESSON FREE WEEK



18/10/2020 - Since a prototype is required for the presentation coming monday, which we didn't built up until this point, I made a walk through of my scene that I created since that is the most interactive insight our group can give at the moment. I feel like we enlarged our scope so much because our previous feedback was, that there would not be enough work for 6 that, that we have a bit of everything but nothing a bit detailed for a realistic prototype. We wanted to show a variety of options and also our flexibility with difference hardwares and platforms but that is just not possible to have a good, neat outcome until January. We have to find a balance between the feedback of the teachers and our own instinct in terms of the workload and what we are able to finish and what is just too much.

19/10/2020 - We had our Sprint review where we presented our progress and walk through for the AR factory. Unfortunately it was all a bit chaotic due to online and offline as well as internal misunderstandings. Some group members had private issues due to that we weren't able to all talk about everything together. I never worked in sprints before so I was not really aware of the difference between a normal check up about our progress and a product review (which is apparently a sprint review) but this was our feedback and thing we will work on in the second sprint: 

·        Clear steps from AR to VR experience
·        I like the fact that you collect coins in AR and spend in VR. Don’t just go for a nice factory, and that will be the end of it. How do you keep the factory clean? Can it downgrade again if you don’t give it enough attention?
·        It feels like it’s more a game, and not really an awareness experience. Totally agree with Joep on that.
·        Last time, your concept wasn’t enough. Now, you want to create like 4 application. Try to really narrow down the scope of the project.
-        Show more next time, a Sprint Review is a Product Review, mostly.

Make the experience more intuitive
Starting too late is not an option, testing all-in time is!!!
-Index- overview ik ok
-New idea: AR experience give you points? What points, why Is that new?
-Concept mood boards, Factory VR: a factory mostly is a dirty thing in our minds.
What story does the factory tells us about, innovative experiments, playful, high tech/ design What?
-Atmosphere of the ‘LAMP’ gives a bit of an idea where you want to go in style, I think, is that so?.
-The rest needs to worked out in Style that is properly defined
-What will be your level of realism? Show it.-About behaviorism-awareness-how to raise awareness.
-What is you overall goal! Create a story that fits



- AR-VR transition in a IED Design Challenge.

- It is a fascinating challenge that is really suitable for IED




21/10/2020 -Today we had a meeting since 2 of our group members were suppose to go and visit the waste factory in Alkmaar but there was a problem with the contact person (she accidentally forgot about the appointment). We scheduled a new meeting with  her for next monday which is very late sadly but nothing we can change at this point. 
Regarding our feedback we agree with some points, like the extensive large scope which was also my worry before the presentation, the unclearness about how to actually get to the target group. That is something i really want to look into because for me that is the core fo this project.

tomorrow we have a talk with Kees and review it all together.


22/10/2020- We were updating our hackn' plan due to feedback from Kees in our meeting in the afternoon. We were discussing how we can scale down the scope to make it more realistic for us to have finished products to show at the review instead of just hypothetical concepts.

We decided to drop the Desktop application and focus on one factory fist in the AR experience and if there is time left we can still extend it to more options to choose from. (These decisions will all be written down in the design document as well). 

We made clear that we feel like there are two different things expected from us that clash enormously (school and our client). 

Joep is very eager about the story, how to change students behavior, how is this awareness being created, how is our application contributing to all of that and strengthening this association. On the other hand are we in a VR/AR Minor which is mainly a technical Minor and our personal learning goals concerning developing in programs such as Maya and Unity is another important factor. To balance these two out seems quite difficult because these direction are striving into totally different directions. 

Now it is about finding a balance between these two. By scaling down our scope a lot of time is left for exploring and diving deeper into technical programs as well as a new sprint which gives us the opportunity to show more detailed and final prototypes where we can get constructive feedback during the next review.

Also since Wiandi decided to quit the Minor, we divided the roles more specific, because even if I (personal opinion)  really appreciate his offer to still keep working on the project I think there is another drive if you pass or fail in the end. That's why I think it is a good idea to give him side roles which would give nice details to the project but not main card of the hackn plan that we can still work independently as a group.


23/10/2020 - Today we started working on our assigned cards of the hack and plan. Since Erwin is still a bit sick he will take it slow, which we all agreed on in the group an we hope he gets better after the weekend. We had our group coaching where we went through the planning with Kees and said our main goal for the next sprint is: To have a function VR prototype with an interaction of a claw grabbing waist from the floor and putting it on a conveyor belt, we want to have a clear story around the project for Joep about the rising awareness of waist separation, a new story board about the usage of our experience and several machines modeled for our factories.





28/10/2020              Not able to work due to private circumstances.




01/11/2020 We had a talk with Lisette about our current situation during the group coaching. Our motivation went down a lot since we were in between to sides. Satisfying the companys needs as well as the requirements from school. For us those two voices are quite clashing. We want to be there for our client as well as keeping in mind that we are still in a minor and developing ourselves by trying to reach our personal goals within a project. 

We want our spirit and motivation back and to get to that point, we decided to primarily focus on the VR game since that is something we are really passionate about and keeps all the parties working more efficient. 

I think this will really help us gettin back on track. We are able to explore more because that is what is important for us that we finally see thing coming together with the skills that we build the past two months. For the coming sprint review we set the goals to have an interarctive claw mini gamew which Erwin is working on as well as basic models of our machines which can be put into a unity scene. 















We had an update talk with Joep about our situation and how we struggled with matching his goal which was a high priority for him but on the other side we were lacking a lot in the technical field which is why we couldn't show a prototype because there was too much for us to focus on.


We agreed with our company to see our input (AR/VR experience) as a start and the beginning of creating awareness amongst the students. Since we are doing an AR/VR Minor our priority and expertise is in the technical field which is supporting this approach by a fun and educational animation/game. 


Joep supported this vision since we had problems working on the big scope we chose for the project. We feel like with the changes we made (taking away the desktop application, looking at one factory in AR at first, concentrating on getting the VR experience working for the next sprint) we can work more efficiently and hands on to finish a prototype for the next sprint review.


02/11/2020 I was mostly in charge of finishing the design document and making the new changes so everybody knew what to hold on to and refer to while working. We still had our daily meetings where we checked on each other which was good since right now our challenge is to keep the motivation up and help each other as much as possible. To get into a workflow like this it is important to stay in touch during the day and communicate very well.


03/11/2020 We worked on different tasks from the hacknplan.
I started working on modeling a rotary cutter based on our research and
the factory visit. Since there was not the exact machine I took the information
and details from our research.



04/11/2020 I continued working on the rotary cutter and the design document.

































09/11/2020 Sprint review: Josephine and I held a presentation about our sprint development which was mainly based on us modeling and having an interactive game in a unity scene as our prototype. During our presentation the same issue occurred again with Joep, that he was questioning how students will be aware of the application and they know about it. Since Danielle already proposed a campaign idea to him which. is also outside of this Minor, without a response, we were quite confused about this argument. We understand that somehow people need to know about our application but we went to the same problem we already talked about 1 week ago.  We understand each others opinions but we decided now that including user testing will help us going more into this direction as well as the idea of flyers or a poster to get students' attention. 



Jurriaan Mulder:

Sprint II review feedbackRemco already some feedback which I can agree with. I would like to add that if you cannot make the deadline for whatever reason please let us know and provide us with an alternative schedule (if applicable). Now we were just in the dark...Some other remarks:- There does not seem to be any sound? At least not in the video. I guess sound can make a big difference in your experience. Industrial sounds, "waste"sounds (screaming seagulls?), and machine sounds (the crane etc) will make it much more impressive and convincing.
- Some of the items in the scene already look quite good. Others obviously still need work.
- The controls for the crane seem to work fine. Did you test multiple type of controls next to the handles/sliders? Buttons? Joysticks? Knobs? Always nice to be able to back uop your choices.
- Be careful with "floating" objects (control panel, crane, etc.) that looks weird.
- What is the purpose of the game and what are you trying to achieve? Both the actual gameplay as your underlying goal. Without this knowledge it is hard to provide feedback on the game.
- You state you can also rotate the camera with the buttons. Why? does this add to the playability or to the confusion?
- You also mention a map but I cannot see that in the video...































Design document:
Your imagery is beautiful but I would like some more keywords, what do I see what it is about and what specific for example: factory 2x what is the meaning of 1 and 2 what can it tell me?
!I see later clearly an improvement and more clear visual communication, TOP1
Is the chosen process of garbidge recycling the most sustainable to date? And why do plastic bottles come out of this process, are there other outcomes possible? A bicycle, Bag with relevant text or ....."How to play" / concept manual:
Android or Iphone: where to read what content is the best choice. Quality , design and user-friendliness , take that into account in your research .
-Gather points on garbage and then go to the Spar to collect and thus buy more, throw it away again etc. We already have so much.
Shouldn't we break this cycle and find a higher goal to reward ourselves with?
For example: Earning your own place in the game to work with and find new solutions in a kind of think tank. or that we can feed a homeless person or child in our country before going to school. Find a social problem that you can support. I would think.Product/movie:
-You go through space very fast, and what is an important focus point, where do you start where do you end? -How-why_what, make sure there is a clear storyline in there that I don't see yet.
-Make clear what the meaning of the different materials is, what gai k do with the bulbs? Why do I destroy the bottles? And the blue bottles how and what?
-Challenge me, motivate me: why should I play this game, what triggers me to do this, to want to and to finish it?
-The red buttons of the control panel clearly have a signal color but they all have to be red, please nuance.
-It's still very gray in the small space, what is the purpose kwa design, I see beautiful image material but still many different textures. Good to choose some strong contrasts.


10/11/2020 - 11/11/2020 Taking action after the sprint review:
To make sure we are on the same page as Jope I sent him this email of the conclusions that we took after the feedback from the sprint review:











In addition to that we created a new hack n plan for the coming sprint:
We met and review our feedback and took it into account when creating our new hack n plan. 

We agree with the feedback in a way that the connection between AR and VR should be more defined as well as the fun and interaction part is what works really well in VR already. Based on this we are taking action by working out a new user journey map that explains in more detail all the steps, upgrades, processes, and goals that are being reached in the VR game.
To get feedback, a connection, and the students' attention we will incorporate user testing for our further process which will probably take place after some time ehwen we have more models ready to place in the scene and interactions for them to try out.
























We also had an extra meeting with Lisette concerning our group dynamic since we were struggling with certain processes in the factory which turned out to be a really important operation for the factory workflow.

- We discussed that our meetings are more unproductive (there is silence, talking about something else) if we meet twice a day. So we came to the conclusions to rather have one productive meeting in the morning making sure everybody knows what. to work on and if not find a solution for that. Of course, if questions appear during the day, everyone is available online since that is mandatory for good communication since we are not able to meet physical on campus.

- Sharing our learning goals. Since we only talked briefly about that we want to make sure that everybody knows what the others are aiming for and so we can set the workload of specific tasks more coherent to their learning goals.

I am very motivated after this talk and I am still really happy with my team and I think we will have a great chance to prove how well we can work together and create a great end result that satisfies us.


This morning we met to discuss the journey map Danielle made based on our conversations and we were giving more input to get more. in detail since we realized that for example, the exact process of upgrading the factory is not clear for everybody. So we talked about possible upgrades ( numbers, what is going to be added how the factory will change).

It was a really productive meeting where we got to more clear solutions: We realized that we could add more details to the factory such as lights, pipes, gateways which will enhance the realistic feel a lot. 


















In addition, we created an excel sheet for all the models and its status and where to find it so everybody is up to date about that.

















12/11/2020 Since one of my learning goals which I really want to improve more is Maya, I was modeling another machine for the factory.

I used a simple reference since this is were the conveyor belt will end in the polluting factory and all the waste will get burned. 





























We had a meeting with Lisette about our Learning goals and how we can implement them in the project. For me the idea that I want to create a digital human (student, a person from our target group). The idea came when Danielle pitched her Campaign idea and I thought an identifiable person that has its own social media etc. would get more students' attention about our project. Also since I am a fashion designer and I want to showcase my future design on digital humans as well it would contribute a lot to my personal development during this Minor.
In addition, this virtual student can also be implemented in AR or VR so the student recognizes her/him and are also more likely to play the game again.

To be able to have human interaction in an environment I will dive into the connection and compatibility between unity and Daz and take care of that so it is no additional work for the game developers in our team. 
These were my inspiration for videos/ pictures:


16/11/2020 We presented the additional plan that we discussed on Friday about the campaign which means for me, creating the avatar student as an interactive aspect of our experience. The rest of the group was very positive about it and welcomed the idea. I made sure to not put more work on them but they said whenever there are questions they are happy to help, especially with technical questions. (Concrete example: Implementing the avatar in our unity factory, incl all the Im-& Exports). During our meeting, we also figured out that the best way to proceed for this week is to get our hands on as many models as possible, therefore we have our excel sheet where we can see who works on what models and where to find it in the drive.

17/11/2020 We decided to not meet today since everybody was busy doing their models. Also, something which I think helps our group process, not forcing a meeting. Since we are being way more productive if everybody has a task and is eager to finish it and present it the next day. 

I am modeling two containers. One-half open and one sea container which will be placed around the factory.
























































































18-20/11/2020 The the past three days we were keeping each other updated on Whatsapp and if there were question we were meeting quickly on discord but since we all want to get more fluent in texturing and modeling we were concentrating on finishing as many models as possible for the next sprint review so next week we can join everything together.


I worked on learning more about Substance painter with tutorials like these:

as well as UV unwrapping. Was working on two containers, the incinerator, and the plastic melter.


23/11/2020 Me and Danielle were working the whole day together on Discord which worked very well. We first tried to visualize the user journey map that we discussed before with the guys. We came to the conclusion that we really need to define our interactions and upgrades of the factory so everybody knows what is going on during what process. Since we knew what models to implement because we have been working on them for quite some time now, it was more about the right order and the right fit for each model to come up with a workflow for them to create a recycling circle.

So we took action and visualized it together based on the previous process that we had in mind.









































24/11/2020 For the next days I will focus on finish my models in Maya and also get the textures perfect since that is the main goal this sprint to get a working process and my models that I am preparing ( Incinerator, rotary cutter, plastic melter, container only decorative purpose) are necessary for the Upgrade 0 process. (The start)


























Some examples of my models for the factory. 

26/11/2020 We got positive feedback for our user map which is great and based
on this we came up with the questions for the user testing tomorrow:

We decided to do a questionnaire before our target group is playing the game,

as well as after. We did this because our goal is to create awareness about waste separation so it is good to know how peoples behaviour was before they played the game and ask them after how they experience a waste separation game based on this thought. The quotations for the user testing: 


The questionnaire before the user will test the prototype: 

*Have you been to a waste factory or something similar before? 

*If yes, how was your feeling afterwards?
 What waste separation processes are familiar to you?

*What do you think about waste separation and are you actively taking action during your daily life?

*Did you separate your waste on the HvA campus and if so, how?

The questioner after the user will test the prototype: 

*Did you feel like you knew what to do when you first entered the application?

*What emotion did you feel while testing our application?

*What is the first thing you would personally change after playing the application?

*Did you feel like something was missing when you played through our application?

*What do you think about the current style of the environment?

*On a scale of 1 to 10, how far do you think we're into creating an immersive experience?

*Did you learn anything new while testing our application?

27/11/2020 Today I went to campus with Josephine and Danielle and made the user testing with the students from our Minor.

All in all I had the feeling most of the people from game development enjoyed the factory because they knew how to teleport and how certain actions work out of experience but for first timer user or just unexperienced VR users it was harder to understand the process and to handle the game.



  • Claw first

  • On belt 

  • Randomly walking around 

  • Goals not clear

  • Stressed, confused, hectic movements

—> "nice physics"



  • to hard movements

  • Grabbing wasn’t working

  • Nice physics

  • Only in one spot

  • Good aesthetics



  • teleports help understanding

  • Satisfying to watch the claw

  • Awesome 

  • Explanation straight forward

  • What to do?

  • colour, arrow, to see where to put trash

  • Rest ist clear 

  • Teleport sound good 

  • Ground higher than the game 

  • We did so much in such short of Time

  • Factory feeling is there 



  • confused about reset

  • Wood stuck on claw

  • Plastic not clear defined

  • Excitement 

  • Picks up the different options quickly

  • „looks so cool“

  • Can’t grab if something falls down on the floor 

  • Glass problem 



  • What happens when it’s blocked 

  • Example: Trash bin in the metal conveyor belt 



  • start not in the middle of the game 

  • Start at the claw

  • Broke the claw 

  • Hard to grab stuff 

  • Why reset button 

  • Impatient

  • Frustration 






































































































30/11/2020Today we had Sprint review 3

Danielle and I went on Campus to present. I think since we really prepared well in advance of this review, it went really well. The headset worked fine, we were able to play the game without any complications and also the presentation was very smooth. We had a very good feeling leaving the review. We also talked with Joep after and we were amazed what we did so he definitely wants to try it and coming Monday he is testing live on campus.

The feedback from the teachers:


- No teleportation inside things

- Only teleport how you would do in real life (not of the railing)

- Limit movement

- Teleportation points (not on the conveyor belt)

- Unlock teleport points for a more clear guidance

- Textures

-What if something doesn't fit (garbage bags on the wrong belt - traffic)?


- not the same hands working on the panel.


- Motivation to play the game -> introduction.

- No AR application is needed anymore, fucose only on VR. 

Jurriaan Mulder

The questionnaire:

I have filled in the questionnaire (both) but that is hard to do when there is no introduction or explanation. What is the questionnaire for? For who? What do you want to get out of it? What information do the participants have? etc.

Did you not have specific questions from the teachers?

The environment looks quite okay, although a bit clean and empty for a "waste factor". Not all models speak for themselves.

I am missing audio! Machines make noise, factories make noise, garbage makes noise!

What's the point of the game? I can play around with objects and do as I was told in the how-to manual, but there seems to be no goal to work to. Also, I do not get feedback if I'm doing the right thing or not.

The controls and the physics of the claw are not up to standards yet. Some controls are velocity based, some absolute. Is this on purpose? The physics of the claw and the garbage is not as you would expect. You can drop the crane into the garbage and all hell breaks loose. I cannot close the crane if it is in the garbage. Perhaps you should limit the travel of the crane? Also, have the crane suspend from some wires and beams.


Anne Marleen 

I think in general it would be a good idea to ‘clean up’ your design document

somewhere during the next sprint. Some images are still very large in comparison to

others so I think for the overview it is good to have you work on this as well.

I suddenly see that Erwin is the user, is that the person you are aiming for as a user?

When I look at the prototype, I think it would be good to think about different user

journeys, maybe one is very free float, another is directed heavily, and one in

between. What kind of path do you want to the user to take? Specifically the UX-

design needs attention, because I think otherwise your users will get lost in space

and meaning.

PROTOTYPE feedback

I like your prototype. Of course it still needs a lot of work, but I could try it out and

actually understood many things without reading the manual. Of course I am pre-

informed, so not really an neutral objective test participant. The claw works a bit fast

sometimes, I could not grab some trash very easily. I understood the differences in

trash categories and how to select the objects. I did find it hard to distinguish objects

sometimes. I did not really see a good representation of paper objects.

And for some reason, I was on dwarf level, but I might not have put on the right

settings. I will notice this in the next prototype that I will try.

I would put the focus on guiding the user through all the steps, because I was in free

float all the time and did not know what path was aimed for in the prototype. So I just

sort of danced everywhere and had a look. I do not know what the trash on the side

of the huge claw machine does there. And I don’t know why the little truck is put up

there. And of course, objects are falling out of the sky right now, so this is a kind of


I assume that the objects that I selected and are now falling to the band still need to

have some object like a box to fall into?

Here’s your questions:

Did you have questions by yourself?

Remco Hilbert 

Team United – HvA Circular Waste No questions/feedback form did a lot of the work. But here are some additional remarks. Claw seems to be working • Maybe the most important one: without the documents providing context, the experience itself gives no premise, design or gameplay which triggers awareness (which I believe is the most important feeling you want to trigger). Although you do feel you need to process garbage, I don’t feel more aware of my own behaviour on how I deal with garbage. • Technically, mostly everything seems to be working the way it should. • I had a very hard time grabbing garbage with the claw. If I could grab anything, it would be the big bags. But the claw would freak out if I came in too hot and dipped it to deep in the garbage container. Pulling up while trying to close the claw is hard, can’t you automate this or something? • Is the AR application gone? Or is that still going to be made? Design Document says so. • I feel I could not properly test out the prototype since I was unable to get all kinds of garbage and throw them on the right conveyor belt. I only could get the garbage bags, the rest fell through the claws. • What happens with the garbage after dropping them on the right conveyer belt? Was unclear to me. • What happens with the garbage after dropping them on the wrong conveyer belt? Was unclear to me. • Some of the visuals do represent the ones in the design document. But overall, it comes across a bit too sterile and “clean” for a garbage factory. Was expecting more smoke, dust and rust. • SFX might also help to give the player the feeling of being in a factory.

The prototype:

Afterwards, we have made a new plan for the Hacknplan for this upcoming sprint:





















We talked about our main goal which is making clear to the user how to walk around in the factory, where to go first and what interactions there are. We thought about my third learning goal which is a virtual human to explain the user each step in the game, even though without any unity experience myself this could take a lot of time for something that is not the priority since there are still a lot of models missing, interactions need to be figured out and just more thing in the factory working together.

I will see this week how I am managing besides the other task from the hack plan and then decide if I will continue following this path.


01/12/2020-Today we handed in the learning talks videos: 

(See individual coaching chapter for that)

04/12/2020 During our group coaching Kees gave us some good input on how Danielle and I can implement our new learning goals in the game.
Kees said that for this sprint more of our personal work can be in focus. I am combining my modeling skills with the preparation for my fashion collection, so I want to start developing that on the side by still giving input on the group project and combine it in a way. Our group wants to work more together in Unity so we as designers are also able to give input and for example, implement the models we made, therefore to solve the problem we requested a mutual license for Unity so we could all have access to the same scene and try out together while being in a call and work more efficiently.



Weekly startup: Review 3 students on their learning talks progress.

Last week I realized that learning a completely new program such as Daz 3D is fun but it also takes a lot of time besides the project task. I want to see in the individual coaching what is more realistic trying so hard to implement the human which can also be replaced by a tablet and just use the skills I got in this week for my own development but leaving it out of the game?

I also modeled an compressor which will be placed at the metal conveyor belt and pack the recycled metal into bales.


09/12/2020 We talked in our daily meeting about how we can all give an input in the game besides the tasks wea re already doing. So I decided to dive a bit into small unity interactions such as creating smoke for the factory. Since I was modeling for most of the time and now I want t to challenge myself and also get a bit into unity. Therefore, I set myself as a goal to create smoke in unity which adds more value and atmosphere to a dirty factory feel.


10/12/2020 Today we tried as a group to tackle the VRtech basic level and had a talk with Jurrian about how to implement our experience with his vision of the basic level. After that Josephine, Danielle and me were working un unity, trying out some stuff and helping Danielle install heV vive.

14/12/2020 We started the day with a weekly startup about the ethical effects of VR. In my group we discussed the effects of Empathy and how it determines humans empathy. In our team, we have to sum this topic up and see how we can apply it to our project.

15/12/2020 Today I was mostly working on renewing models (machines) and the textures we kept in touch throughout the day for updates. I also got a bit more into unity since some small interactions are my new learning goal so I was watching tutorials such as: 

and trying out some stuff.

16/12/2020 I was creating smoke in unity by using a particle system to help a more dirty atmosphere of the factory. For more info see Unity chapter.

17/12/2020 Today was the last day before the hand in. We were all trying to put the things together in the scene but since we realized that we mostly focussed on content (Upgrades, Ipad, layout) we didn't really have much to show and test as a new prototype. Still, we wrote down everything in our design document and prepared the presentation for the next day.

18/12/2020 We had our last sprint review today, all online due to the school being closed. As mentioned yesterday, we didn't have something new to test for the teachers yet but still, we were happy with our progress since we got away clearer idea. of what needs to be out together to finish the project until the final presentation.



* Joep- Make the factory more realistic. 

* Lisette suggested to make two small sprint plannings to have another chance to receive feedback from the teachers before the final hand in. ​

So we decided to split it up:

4, 5 and 6th -> create factory layout, potential upgrades and example tasks 6th Wednesday evening -> send playtest to teachers 8th Thursday afternoon -> meet with Joep 8th Friday -> work on Joeps feedback 11 and 12th -> hopefully have feedback from teachers and work on that. Add more (final) tasks. 13th and 14th -> add on the 7th, (some) audio and add a final video. 15th and 16th -> factory polish.

04/01/2021 We started in the new year with. weekly start up about most of our deadlines and what needs to be done. Since unfortunately, Josephine got corona we are one technical person less in the group so we are trying to balance it out and finish as much as we can until Thursday to send it to test.

We worked with Scene fusion for the first time today and it worked pretty well. We were able to finish the basic layout of the factory with different upgrades in different scenes. Scene fusion enabled us to work together at the same time, talk about everything clearly and we got a way better visual understanding because we all saw it. But still it is difficult to get details right, we need. todo this in the upcoming days because as soon as we want to add a new model or textures we need to do it for all scenes (4 in total) as well as starting a new scene fusion session every time. So we need to think carefully about where to place what but once it is in the scene it is very handly to move things around and see where it is placed the best. 

05/01/2021 Today I got stuck with a unity interaction (paper shredder) which I tried to make working with the same scripts that we also use for the compressor process, but. it seems like the output won't stick to the prefab that I chose. Robbie helped me a lot and we brought it into the actual game scene. We had a talk about how to make the floor and walls more realistic and we decided to take a cracked concrete picture and place it randomly around the factory since the floor is not UV unwrapped (made in Unity) and putting a texture on would mean changing it in every scene again, because we work in different scenes, per upgrade.

06/01/2021 Today we had a meeting as discussed what are the last steps we need to do before sending the prototype to test for out for the teachers tomorrow. Therefore I tried to add more waste models so there is a bigger variety that can be sorted and recycled such as plastic bags and paper cartons.

I also felt like the textures needed to be spiced up a bit because all ofo our wast is very minimalistic in terms of material. So I went for more fun and branded objects such as Albert Heijn plastic bags, Lays chips packages, or a pizza carton. Through these brands, the trash and overload factor also should be emphasized. Fast fashion brands such as H&M are being found a lot in the waste factory because they are overproducing and so I thought it fits perfectly.


Today we discussed the trailer and recorded the scenes that we wanted in there. Danielle and I took it over and created a little story around it. In the beginning, you see parts of Danielle's animation where a factory worker throws a can in a bin and it. is being transported. After you see clips of trash factories and then a cut comes and you enter our game. You see the tablet and the different upgrades. We edited in iMovie and put some music for more enhancement.

08/01/2021 We had a meeting with Joep to show him the latest updates, such as the tablet, the upgrade system, and all the processes working in the factory as well as the voice-over. He was really impressed and happy with the outcome and the process so far. We agreed on sending him an introduction text about what the user will experience and what to expect. After that, we had a meeting and discussed all the documentation that needs to be done as well as who is presenting and set all of our deadlines. We discussed the trailer that I and Danielle made and with feedback from the group exchanged some parts because it was a bit unclear and hectic recorded. (it was the first time me recording in VR so it was a challenge).

11/01/2021 I mainly worked on my Fashion library modeling because. I felt like I have enough skills to finalize it now with Danielle's help. We worked together for the rest of the day online.

12/01/2021 We worked on the Ethics document as a group and tried to include as many ethical components suitable for our waste separation.

Here the outcome:


Team United x HvA Circulair


Everyday tons of waste are produced by us humans on this planet. Overproduction is a well known problem and its problematic consequences for our planet are rising up. Therefore waste management is essential in today’s society. Still, it needs proper techniques keeping in mind the environmental situations. Waste separation is something everybody has an impact on and can contribute to.

Besides contributing to a cleaner environment, waste separation contributes to: Efficient waste collection and cleaning, a sustainable, clean and a healthy workplace as well as an attractive environment to learn and work in.


In the picture you can see the most common separation goods.

With this separation process, good can be recycled and processed into new objects, materials etc.


Due to this the HvA Circulair Team is working towards the goals of a clean campus by waste separation bins for organic waste, dry waste, paper and a separate bin for the coffee cups, at various locations throughout the university locations.


Accessibility and availability, under non-COVID circumstances, for students to actually use the bins, means the proximity to available separation bins. The proximity of those bins has a great influence on recycling behavior as it encourages people to participate in recycling and waste separation behavior. The shorter the distance to recycling bins, the higher the likelihood people will separate their waste. 


During our project, we worked based on those factors to create an experience where people would get a realistic insight in a waste factory process. We want the students to get a feeling for the time-consuming process of waste separating by interactions such as manual sorting and seeing how the waste just gets burned without any recycling process involved. 

For us, waste separation has a huge social responsibility, whereas the new generation which is our target group at the same time, plays a huge role. They/We are the future so Team United is raising their awareness towards such an important topic as waste management by using a modern technique (VR) to catch their interest.

14/01/2021 We met online to discuss everyone's progress and see where help is needed. Danielle and I, worked on the design document which we will finalize with the others together to not miss out on somebody's input. 

15/01/2021 Today was Group coaching- we discussed how to put things together and how we prepare the final presentation.  We will make a walkthrough video of the game as well as present it live and we have to check whose internet connection is the most reliable. Trailer for our game:  






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Moodboard textures.jpg
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map factory.jpg
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MAP VR.jpg
VR factory.jpg
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Applying rusty textures. Textures from:

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Overall map whit all machines unlocked and all upgrades applied


Previous map

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The trade show was something very new for me but I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. A lot of people came and talk to me to network and it was really interesting to get their input but for me, it was quite hard since I am very new in this field (Minor) to have technical conversations or being able to offer them my help in their project. 

Nevertheless I listened to interesting conversations and talks there.

For me the field of virtual humans is very interesting since I will tackle that topic in my input to the project as well. I will use the given input here and take it as reference or inspiration for my furhter process in that field.

What I learned mostly is that the world of digital human has no limits. It can go in every direction, with several programs, for all different purposes. For me it was mainly in focus for digital fashion shows etc. but it can be usefulk in way more situations. I am really interested in diving into DAZ as an program that got introduced there as well and create the virtual student for our VR experience there.

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Right now, digital humans are being deployed as brand ambassadors, digital influencers, customer support representatives and healthcare advisors to name a few. Everything from their unique appearance to their personalities are being co-designed to create the most positive, lasting impact on users.

Example VTuber: A digital influencer that is 

not a human and can adapt to its environment

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A lot of people were confused about what to do in the factory since not all interactions are programmed yet this was quite difficult to let them play without explaining anything in advance. We need to find a solution to this. Maybe with arrows, a guidance voice or some light elements. Also, the learning aspect of waste management is not clear yet for the player. What was very positive was the feedback about the playfulness and the style of the game. Also, a lot of students took more time playing it because they were so into it which is also a good sign, which also meant we had a bigger delay during the testing.


It is important that the goals get clear from the beginning on and that the user maybe also enters exactly from where the first interaction starts. 

In addition, we still need to develop sound and the full working progress with the updates etc.

Working in Scene Fusion with the Team:

- discussing major layout, playground for the user 

- very convenient to see everybody moving and better feeling of the environment than just screen sharing 

- everybody could work at the same time

-since we were working in different scenes due to upgrades it was quite difficult to add new models since they have to be added in all four scenes

- and only one person who was the manager could add them and had to pause the meeting every time which was quite time consuming

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