23/09/2020- Ineke introduced us to CLO3D which is a familiar program for me but not in the Animation part of it. I have never experienced that and I think it is very interesting and important for me and also our project since it is also something very interactive and Animations could really add to that.
We made a personalized Avatar and added an animation with a program called Mixamo.
01/10/2020 - In the morning we had a Fashion class with Ineke which was very interesting because I want to dive deeper into an animation in CLO.
She introduced us to more texture websites for a realistic feel.
Basics for working with CLO 3D:
Working in the 2D window for pattern adjustments of the cloths and in the 3D window for its visualization.
Several options to change the Avatar itself in the 3D window:
- Skin (Texture)
-Hair (mostly adjustable with fur as a fabric)
-Pose (a pose from the library or a self made pose)
Important websites to remember for textures:
(This is also very relevant for our waste project since our models come to live through textures to show the difference between a polluted waist factory and a clear environmental friendly factory)
- Texturehaven.com
- visu.com
- pixplant.com
Creating my own animation and avatar:
I had some print textures I made last semester for my collection so I tried to cover the complete avatar with it. But a requirement was to use a garment so i just chose a simple shirt where I also put on another print to make it matching.
8/10/2020- We had our first lesson as a small group since I decided to choose this class for my personal learning goals to create Models (Accessoires) and transfer them into CLO and style them, change them a bit and just see how I can build up my knowledge with textures and creating realistic outcomes, since this is connected to our waste project where we try to Model everything as realistic as possible.
I tried to model a "zwemmringje" how Ineke called it by creating a similar effect as the puffer jacket only with a circle as a shape.
In addition Ineke gave me good examples of clothes that have the same effect which I also tried out in CLO. I think this course will offer me a lot of opportunities to grow and become a more independent digital designer for my future career in fashion.
Creating an OBJ in CLO and importing it as an avatar so its possible to drape on it, change it in size and texture it:
The keyboard and mouse behavior is similar to Maya since enlarging, focussing and turning is all controlled by the right mouse button and the controller.
It is possible to completely erase the avatar by clicking on it with the left mouse button>delete key. For a more anonymous presentation of garments i.e.
1. Create a Polygon shape 8Circle) and create an internal hole of 180mm and cut it out.
2. Clone this shape and place it underneath the other one (in the 2D window)
3. Texture it differently so the upper and lower side becomes clearer
4. Set the pressure of the lower shape to -20 and the upper one to 20 so it will puff
5. Simulate it so see the effect
To export the selected Puff ring as an OBJ:
1. Export selected>OBJ
2. Then import (add) it as an avatar in the 3D window
3. It appears and they will look completely identical but the old version is moving while simulating weather the obj is still
4. Sizing it up through the little window on the scale tool and see the difference
Creating a Puffer Jacket with the gained skills:
Tutorial provided by Ineke.
This silver Jacket is an example from one of her previous students who work now for the fabricant.
1. Draw lines with the Internal Polygon tool or create style lines with the 3D Line tool
2. Finish all of this design work before creating a Layer Clone
Next up:
1.Select all the patterns>Right click and choose Layer Clone (Under).
2.Place this new copy of your patterns under your original layer in the 2D Window.
3. Adjust the pressure in this case I chose 10/-10
It always need to be in balance
4.For a more realistic outcome: Apply Elastic at around 97-99% to all of your quilt lines or style lines
5. Simulate to check
Remove the style lines and internal lines and prepare the final render.
Adjust the render settings to Portrait mode: costum, 3840x2160, 300ppi, high resolution lightening.
1.Change fabrics & textures you want to use and apply them to the jacket
2.Use the Silk / Satin Material Property to express a shiny nylon for a realistic jacket feel.
In the render there are several option concerning:
- light
- photography
- shadows
like in a real photstudio.
You can create red light by colouring the specific light in the render proteries, change its angle and position.
21/10 - Today we talked about our Puffer Jackets, got the render explained with different materials such as fur and
the change of posed with the X-Ray
Optimizing fabric by texturing
To change the skeleton you go to the 3D window and click under the avatar option X-Ray.
Then the body will be formed into a skeleton where you are able to move different parts of the body, the way your pose should look like.
With this shirt exercise I am developing in:
- Repair the collar + placket, add buttons and buttonholes:
To repair the collar, I will lenghten the seam until the
internal line from the collar stand. The blue dots on the seamline will show me where the right length is as well.
Then I am changing the seam in the property editor to "turned" so the collar will easily fall over the stand, for realistic collar.
NOTE: my computer was really slow, so I changed the Partical distance from 10 to 20 to have an easier workflow, for a more detailed and realistic outcome I will change it in the end back to 10!
-Customize topstitches and add puckering.
I already did some of this in the Puffer Jacket, but this is more detailed and applied especially for this garment.
Topstitching can be applied through different options:
Segments wise but also freely, similar to the sewing tool.
Most importantly is making it matching to the garment by changing it properties.
NOTE: Always name your topstitch for the specific part (pocket, hem, arm) to keep it more organized
Mostly it is used as an OBJ to keep it more 3Dimensional.
Wit offset you can change how far the stitch is away from your seam
Stitch count shows the amount of stitches you want to apply
(There are also already templates of stitches in the library for more particular fabric such as denim, or knit))
To add the missing button I used the button tool in the 3D window and then adding it on the internal line. In the property editor I chose button 1, to have the same buttons along the button tape.
I also changed the angle of the button hole to 90° since it is vertical marked in the pattern.
To pull a button through a button hole, I chose the lock sign in the 3D window and connected them in the 2D window:
The pink lines are marked as applied with a topstitch, it is also possible top use different topstitches on the same seam
I looked at the pattern and decided the different topstitches that I want (I tried to create as many different as possible to see the different effects)
Then I created them in the Object Browser and Edited them in the Property Editor
Then I applied them with the free topstitching tool.
It was different for the collar since the Topstitch is first applied on the back and with "flip normal" it will appear on the right side.
Using a topstich as a Texture for labels, seam taping or other graphical elements. Chose it in the property editor under TYPE assign your chosen material in the Texture option.
Fold the short sleeve up and finish the hemline at sleeve and body.
The internal line was already created, so I Extended the hemline by the same amount and folded it with the arrow in the 3D toolbar up and sewed the upper and lower line together so there is a clear and sharp line to turn the sleeve
-Create a pose for the avatar, use the Render studio for a photoshoot with HDRIs lightning:
I first changes the pose of the avatar in the library and its hair. (texture fur)
Then i went to: https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?c=studio&h=studio_small_03 to chose a studio light. I downloaded it and applied it in the render light property editor for a good lightening.
Then I set the other render settings which I already saved from the previous lesson and rendered it.
2-Create a variation by adding a technique/hardware/trims
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7HtqyPhK_w&list=PLqL8Ymi3Z68Dqra76a_j0Y_WCcD5WSq4J&index=19&t=2s
Same render settings just different lightening.
Lightening has a huge impact on the render as you can see.
A more directional light is very shiny and shows the textures too bright as well as the skin.
Whereas in the front view it is very subtle and looks way more professional.
It was really goof trying out different angles and gets better feeling of how a virtual studio and its effects work.
"CLO Zippers" and costumized zippers
1. Delete the Button flap and even the collar and its stand out so that a zipper can be applied.
Therefor use the zipper tool in the 3D window and apply it with a double click to finish on both seams.
This is a zipper from the library which can also be changed again in the property editor.
Separate parts such as the tape, the puller and slider can be costumized in length, width and position as well as texture and weight.
Width changed to 2mm
Colour changed to a light green
Puller and Slider metallic and different shapes
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7HtqyPhK_w&list=PLqL8Ymi3Z68Dqra76a_j0Y_WCcD5WSq4J&index=19&t=2s
A costumized zipper can be applied by a texture that is applied:
A piece of fabric is being sewed into the garment and applied with a matching zipper texture.
Then a trim that is created in maya or another modeling software can be glued onto the fabric.
It is still possible to change size and position.
Example on a different Jacket: